The annual Brixham Pirate Festival, held in Brixham, Devon takes place over the Early May Bank Holiday weekend, is a swashbuckling mix of seaside shenanigans and pirate-themed fun for all the family. In 2025, the Brixham Pirate Festival takes place from 3rd-5th May.
Billed as "the annual gathering of the world's most infamous pirates and lowly scallywags," over the past decade the event has grown into hugely popular celebration of all things piratical. And all with the perfectly authentic backdrop of this charming historic port, which has been home to a number of smugglers and pirates over the centuries.
Why not dress up as a pirate (an awful lot of people do) and travel to Brixham by boat from Torquay and Paignton for the most authentic arrival. The whole town is decked out in "skull and cross bones" while the sound of seagulls, shanties and lots of people saying "arghhhh me hearties" floats through the air. There's a real party atmosphere, with absolutely everyone joining in the spirit of the event.
Wander round the harbour and discover all sorts pirate antics taking place, including live music, street performers, street theatre, balloon modelling, historical re-enactments, fancy dress competitions and themed food and drink offerings. The daytime and early evenings are brilliant fun for all the family, while later on the adults can warm their tums with extra rations of rum in the many harbourside bars. You are more likely to stick out if you aren't dressed like a pirate.
The Golden Hind
All would-be pirates should board The Golden Hind, a full-sized replica of one of the most iconic ships from the age of exploration. Sir Francis Drake's vessel has been a feature of picturesque Brixham harbour for over fifty years, entertaining and educating thousands of visitors about life aboard a 16th Century sailing ship. The Golden Hind has also been featured on many television programmes and films. The Ship is open come rain or shine and is an all-weather attraction with many indoor displays as well as wide-open decks. Look out for special events on Pirate Thursdays and during the main festival.
Should you fancy hitting the seven seas for real (well Tor Bay) why not book a sailing aboard Vigilance, a restored sailing trawler that was built in Brixham in 1926. Boasting a famous red sail as featured in the song 'Red Sails in the Sunset,' she worked with the local fishing fleet before seeing war service as a barrage balloon mooring vessel. Today she is a heritage vessel and unless she is on charter, you can book to sail on her on Sunday mornings, as well as afternoon or evening sailings on Tuesdays and Thursdays from Easter till September. It's usually also possible to board the boat during the pirate festival – just behave yourself or they will have you walking the plank...