Photo in header: Charles Kingsley by John & Charles Watkins albumen print, arched top, 1860s NPG Ax7322 © National Portrait Gallery, London
12 Jun 1819 – 23 Jan 1875
Institute Beach
Charles was a priest, a university professor, social reformer, historian and novelist, best known for ‘The Water Babies’, ‘The Heroes’ and ‘Westward Ho!’ He is particularly associated with Christian Socialism. Charles came to Torquay in 1854 while his wife recovered from an illness which was put down to living in their damp rectory home at Eversley. Here Charles looked for specimens of marine life. Though he saw the natural world as the work of God, he was enthusiastic about Charles Darwin’s new theory of evolution (unusual for clergymen of the time).
“No wonder that such a spot as Torquay, with its delicious Italian climate, and endless variety of rich woodland, flowery lawn, fantastic rock-cavern, and broad bright tide-sand, sheltered from every wind of heaven except the soft south-east, should have become a favourite haunt, not only for invalids, but for naturalists. Indeed, it may well claim the honour of being the original home of marine zoology and botany in England…”
– Charles Kingsley’s ‘Glaucus, or, the Wonders of the Shore’ 1855

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