Photo in header: James Joyce by Jacques-Emile Blanche oil on canvas, 1935 NPG 3883 © National Portrait Gallery, London
2 Feb 1882 – 13 Jan 1941
The Imperial Hotel
An Irish novelist, short story writer, poet, teacher, and literary critic, James is regarded as one of the most important 20th century authors. Born in Dublin, James emigrated to the continent in his early 20s though his work continued to focus on Dublin. He is best known for ‘Ulysses’ (1922) a book that continues to attract controversy and scrutiny to this day. James and his wife stayed at the Imperial Hotel in 1929 at the invitation of Stuart Gilbert (1883 – 1969) an English literary scholar and translator. Stuart was keen to assist with a new translation of ‘Ulysses’ after noting some errors in the French translation. The Imperial Hotel has fantastic panoramic views of the Bay!

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